The collaboration of various institutes from different cultural and organisational backgrounds requires a good deal of coordination behind the scenes of the actual research and technical development (RTD) activities. WP6’s task is to provide the basis for the smooth execution of the project and the achievement of the project goals by coordinating and managing the entire project.
· Coordination, administrative and financial management, reporting, risk management
· Communication (internal and external) and IPR management
· Gender and ethical issues management
WP6 participants
Institute name
Institute short name
RIKILT - Institute of Food Safety
The Netherlands
Institute of Chemical Technology, Prague
Czech Republic
Work Package leader
Stefan Weigel
(RIKILT - Institute of Food Safety, RIKILT, The Netherlands)
Stefan Weigel is analytical chemist by training and has more than 10 years experience in the analysis of contaminants and residues in environmental and food samples by means of mass spectrometry and biosensors. He works as Deputy Manager of the Dutch National Programmes for veterinary drugs and contaminants in food. Dr. Weigel is coordinator of NanoLyse and assistant coordinator of the FP7 project CONffIDENCE (developing rapid tests for chemical contaminants in food and feed). He is member of the EFSA Scientific Committee’s working group on nanotechnologies for food and feed applications.
Deputy Work Package leader
Dr. Hans Bouwmeester (RIKILT - Institute of Food Safety, RIKILT, The Netherlands)
For further information about the work package 6, please contact WP6 leader at [email protected]